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Robinia posts

Acacia posts are debarked trunks of black locust (Robinia pseuodacacia). They have a cylindrical shape with the irregularities typical of tree growth.

They are robust, strong and have a rustic appearance. Ideal for building fences, forest fences and fences for hunting grounds. Excellent as supports on trellises when used as intermediate and end posts.

Thanks to their strength and exceptional mechanical properties, acacia posts have been used outdoors for centuries, even in extreme conditions. Acacia posts have been used in many underwater structures built (docks, walkways, bridges), in landslide-protection walls, in containment systems for sand dunes and to protect roads against snowfall... Their uses are almost endless.

Lengths: 1.5 to 2,5 m 
Diameters:  8-10 cm, 10-12 cm 
Sharpened at the thickest end for easy setting in the ground
We also supply half-posts.
